Samuel Abu
3 min readNov 20, 2020



“Have a comparative analysis of your present self against your past self — is there any positive difference? If yes, then 👍 voila! You’re on track.”


This us the final day of my journal and I’m so excited to have gotten through with this.

Phew, the excitement 😫😫 I’m finally done with this! Haha

Alright, so it’s been 11 days of consistent writing and deliberate actions towards growth in the 3 major areas I had highlighted. In all of this, I’m just so happy I embarked on this and finishing through.

I have understood myself better and not afraid to call our my shortcomings. It’s all part of the process. So, here I am replaying Johnny Drille’s Room live as I pen down my final thoughts of this encounter.

I am not gonna focus heavily on the 3 segments today, cos you’ve read 10 similar things about each of them these past few days.

Quickly, I’m gonna run through it.

Bodily Exercise was cool today. I knew it was the final day so I decided to continue with my press ups. Yeah, I did about 15reps in 3sets and that was all about it.

Study was great! Oh yeah, I was able to meet up with my projections.

Relationship is okay, I mean I reached out to a few friends and repsonse was pleasant. Although I forgot to reach out to someone I had to but I’m not discouraged. Besides all of this is a long term goal.

Things to Note

If you had followed through each Journal you would have noticed the fact that I couldn’t always give a 100% performance 😐 Yet, I ask who’s gonna judge me except myself?

It’s all about growt. I had to be honest with the process, so you don’t have an utopian view of my journal as being perfect, like I got all my stuffs together 😂 haha I wish. I’m not ashamed of the shortcomings, I’m concerned more about the growth.

You can call me lazy, socially awkward, terrible work ethic etc. Yeah they’re gonna hurt, but I really don’t give a sh*t about what you think. It’s not pride, it’s being intentional about your personal growth. Have a comparative analysis of your present self against your past self — is there any positive difference? If yes, then 👍 voila! You’re on track.

Also, don’t be proud, be humble, learn from people around you. Ask questions, you really do not have all the answers and yeah, be kind in all you do. Learn and grow as always.

Yeah, so that’s pretty much it. Day 11, finally done with it. Remember, whatever it is you wanna do, just know the days/months/years will always come pass you by. You can’t hold nor freeze time, but you can enjoy it 🙂 so, do just that. 💯

Rockettttttt 🚀 🚀 🚀 upwards.

Thank you for reading and following through these past 10days. I really do hope you’ve learnt a thing or two from these journals. It was a pleasure documenting them.❤💯

Tomorrow is always there, but make the most of today to Learn and grow 🚀

Bye 👋

Previous Post : “FEAR OF CONSISTENCY DAY 10.” by Samuel Abu



Samuel Abu

A sucker for stories and stuffs I find interesting. I bare my thoughts here. Don't stay too long, you might lose track of time.